This is a guide meant to help you get an Arch Linux install working on a UEFI computer with full disk encryption, if your needs differ in any way, you can consult the original installation guide here. Let’s get started:
Important disclaimer Link to heading
Please, read each step carefully and if possible, first try to perform the installation within a virtual machine, I don’t know the full extent of any possible errors that this guide might have so if you spot any, please feel free to tell me about it!.
Download the .iso Link to heading
- Download the latest .iso from the official Arch Linux website
Create a bootable USB drive Link to heading
- Download and use Ventoy to create a multi-bootable USB drive
- Drag the Arch Linux .iso into the Ventoy partition of your USB
- Find out the BIOS button for your computer brand and use it to boot into your USB drive
- Once you reach the boot screen, just select the default options
I might make a Ventoy installation tutorial in the future, stay tuned.
Setting keyboard layout Link to heading
- Find out the codename for your keyboard layout, the layout files can be seen with
ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
- Run
loadkeys KB
while replacing “KB” with the code for your correct layout
For example, in my case I would run
loadkeys es
to use the spanish keyboard layout.
Check for UEFI support Link to heading
- Once we got our keyboard working properly, we can go ahead and check real quick that we do have UEFI support by running
ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
- If the command above didn’t spit out a bunch of files then your computer’s not running in UEFI mode, check BIOS settings and if you don’t have any UEFI support, refer to the official Arch Linux installation guide, as an Arch Linux BIOS installation exceeds the scope of this guide
Establish an Internet connection Link to heading
If you’re connected through ethernet then it should work out of the box.
- If you want to use Wi-Fi for the installation, first run
- While in this interactive prompt, run
station list
to find out the names for your wireless interface - Afterwards, run:
while replacing WIRELESS_INTERFACE with your own (for example, mine is calledwlan0
) and SSID with the name of your wireless network - Once connected, hit Ctrl+D to exit the prompt
Partitioning the disk Link to heading
Please, remember that disk names will usually vary depending on each computer, I urge you to run
and check yourself which is the disk you wish to partition, especially if you’re running a multi-disk setup. This will probably save you from accidentally messing up the wrong disk.
Also, if you’re using an NVMe disk drive then the naming will change from sda, sdb, etc… to something similar like “nvme0n1”,
will also help you there.
- Now we’re getting into the danger zone, please read the text above and make sure you know the correct name for your disk drive, from now on I will be using /dev/sdX to refer to the installation disk, replace the X with the correct letter for your disk
- Once everything is figured out, we’ll run
cfdisk /dev/sdX
, from here we’ll choose a GPT partition table for our disk if it’s completely empty or delete the existing partitions - Once we have our free space, select “New” and create a 1G partition (Boot partition), then change its “Type” to “EFI System”
- Then we’ll select the remaining free space, hit “New” again and create a new partition with the remaining space (Root partition)
- Once everything is done, hit “Write”, then “Quit”
Encrypting the root partition Link to heading
If everything went correctly, running
should now show the newly created partitions.
- Now we can begin to encrypt our system by running
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdX2
, you will be prompted to enter the passphrase for booting up your system, please, do NOT forget this passphrase
Remember you’re supposed to run the above command on the root partition, not on the entire disk itself.
- Run
cryptsetup open /dev/sdX2 crypt
to open your newly encrypted partition
Creating filesystems Link to heading
- Create the filesystem for your EFI boot partition by running
mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdX1
- Create the root filesystem with
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/crypt
Mounting filesystems Link to heading
- Run
mount /dev/mapper/crypt /mnt
to mount the root filesystem - Run
mount --mkdir /dev/sdX1 /mnt/boot
to mount your boot filesystem - Run
to make sure that everything went well
Create the swap file Link to heading
The swap file is disk memory that’ll be utilized when there’s not enough RAM, if you skip this step then your system will freeze everytime it uses up too much RAM.
The amount of swap you need will depend on your needs, if you have no intention to configure hibernation then you can leave it at a far smaller number, I personally use 2GB of swap with 8GB of RAM.
- Run
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/swapfile bs=1M count=xxxx status=progress
while replacing “xxxx” with the amount of megabytes you’re gonna give to your swapfile - Run
chmod 600 /mnt/swapfile
to set the right permissions - Run
mkswap /mnt/swapfile
to turn it into an actual swapfile - Run
swapon /mnt/swapfile
to activate it
Pacstrapping Link to heading
- Now for installing the Arch Linux files, run
pacstrap -K /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware neovim
You can replace neovim with your preferred terminal editor of choice
Generating /etc/fstab Link to heading
This is a pretty important step, it’ll tell your operating system which partitions to mount and where when booting up.
- Run
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
to generate an fstab file using partition UUIDs
Chrooting into the new environment Link to heading
- Run
arch-chroot /mnt
to switch to your Arch Linux installation
Setting locales Link to heading
- Run
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Madrid /etc/localtime
(replace /Europe/Madrid with your timezone) - Run
hwclock --systohc
- Edit /etc/locale.gen with your editor of choice and uncomment the locales you wish to use (I personally use en_US and es_ES)
- Run
to generate your selected locales - Run
echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' > /etc/locale.conf
The above command will change the display language of your OS, if you wish to use spanish or whatnot, modify accordingly.
- Run
echo 'KEYMAP=es' > /etc/vconsole.conf
This one takes care of the keymap used by default in TTYs, will save you a headache later on when booting into the installation, and as always, if you use a different keymap, modify accordingly.
Setting hostname Link to heading
- Run
echo 'genesis' > /etc/hostname
and replace genesis with your preferred hostname - Modify /etc/hosts with your editor of choice and insert the following lines: localhost
::1 localhost
Configure initramfs for encrypted booting Link to heading
- Modify /etc/mkinitcpio.conf with your editor of choice and in the
array, addencrypt
so that it looks something like this:
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf kms keyboard keymap consolefont block encrypt filesystems fsck)
- Run
mkinitcpio -P
Installing the bootloader Link to heading
Replace amd-ucode with intel-ucode if you have an Intel processor.
- Run
pacman -S grub efibootmgr amd-ucode
to install the bootloader and CPU microcode - Run
echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=cryptdevice=UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/sdX2):crypt" >> /etc/default/grub
Remember to replace sdX2 with the correct disk partition, otherwise you won’t be able to boot!
- After running the command above, open
with your editor of choice and replace the original “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX” with the one you echoed into the file - Without closing your editor, please remember to also uncomment the
line within the file - Run
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB
- Run
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Setting the root password Link to heading
- Run
to set your root password
Final touches Link to heading
That’s actually it! Now we could reboot if we wanted and we’d have a “working” system, but there are a few things we should take care of first while we’re still here:
Installing NetworkManager / iwd Link to heading
These two will help you actually connect to the Internet once you boot into Arch Linux, however you can only choose one, NetworkManager is more novice friendly although a bit heavy on resources, meanwhile iwd is a far more minimalist network daemon, if you don’t know what to pick, just go with NetworkManager:
NetworkManager Link to heading
- Run
pacman -S networkmanager
to install the network daemon - Once done, run
systemctl enable NetworkManager
for the daemon to start next reboot
By the way, keep in mind the capital letters when dealing with NetworkManager, if you run
systemctl enable networkmanager
then it won’t do anything. After you reboot the system, all you have to do is runnmtui
to bring up a fancy TUI menu for connecting to your wireless network.
iwd Link to heading
- Run
pacman -S iwd
and install it - Run
systemctl enable iwd
For connecting to Wi-Fi post-reboot, you just have to follow the same steps at the beginning of the guide,
,station wlan0 connect
, etc…
Creating an user account Link to heading
Remember to replace “raul” with your preferred username!
- Run
useradd -m -G wheel,games,network,audio,video -s /bin/bash raul
- Run
EDITOR=nvim visudo
and uncomment the%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
Replace nvim above with your preferred editor, the step above will give your user administrator privileges.
- Run
passwd raul
or whatever your username is supposed to be, and give your account a password as well
Reducing swappiness Link to heading
Swappiness is how often your system will make use of swap memory, unless you have around 4 GB of RAM, you’ll most likely want to lower this value to increase system performance, however feel free to adjust the value to whatever fits right for you.
- Run
echo 'vm.swappiness=20' > /etc/sysctl.d/99-swappiness.conf
Finishing up Link to heading
That’s about all of it! Now that everything finished up, hit Ctrl+D to quit the chroot session and run reboot
so you can boot into your newly installed Arch Linux system (remember to remove the bootable USB drive), once you get past the login screen you’ll realize that there’s nothing but a terminal, that’s because this is where the real journey starts, you’ll most likely want a desktop environment to install so you can make actual use of the PC.
By the way remember the tip from earlier to use
to connect to your wireless network.
While this might go against the essence of building your own work environment, if you want something that just works out of the box, just run the following command:
sudo pacman -Syu xorg xorg-server ffmpeg4.4 ffmpegthumbnailer tumbler gvfs ttf-roboto ttf-roboto-mono xfce4 xfce4-goodies lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-jack && sudo systemctl enable lightdm
And then reboot your system! XFCE is a lightweight and great desktop environment that “just works”.